Collection: Tractor Fund

You may be asking yourself, "Who are these chuckleheads, and why are they asking for MY money to buy a tractor?". Well, let me tell you a little about us. First, we are terrible farmers. We think with our hearts. I'm not saying that other farmers don't have hearts. We just do things that don't make sense financially to benefit all of our animals.

What is "Goats First"? Let me give you some examples. We don't take babies away from their mothers so we can take all of the milk for ourselves. Being raised by their mother is the best way for the baby goats. When we have a year where there are a lot of boys born, we don't sell off the boys at auction or raise them for meat. We just can't. We know too many goats, and couldn't do that to these babies. We will sell or even give away goats if we are 100% certain they'll go to a good home that will treat them like we will. When one of our milkers gets older and doesn't give milk any more, we don't ship her off to make room for young does. We let them enjoy their well-earned retirement. If a goat never has kids, we keep her. Their worth is so much more than how much milk they give. They give in so many other ways. Our goats are family.

What does this mean? Well, we have more goats than we need to get milk to make the best soap in the world. It also means, we don't make much if any money in this farming venture. We're ok with that. We love our goats and want them to have the best lives possible. It also means we don't have a lot of extra money for things guessed it... a tractor. It's very hard to operate a farm without a tractor.

We move 1000 pound plus bales of hay by hand. Luckily, they're mostly round, so they roll, but it's still hard work. We used deep litter to keep the goats warm in the winter. It would take a very long time to clean out all of that bedding in the spring with a pitchfork. Oh, we're also getting older. Damn you time!!!

So, you don't want to give these chuckleheads your hard-earned money. That's fine. We totally understand. Enjoy our content, it's free. So, you'd love to help, but don't have extra money, just like us. That's ok, too. Enjoy our content, but maybe tell as many people as you can how much you enjoy it, and maybe they will too. So, you've already given us money for our tractor fund. Thank you. We appreciate it more than you know. We often have emergencies where we have to dig into our tractor fund. Raising animals is very unpredictable. So, you would like to help us with our tractor fund. That's awesome. You can donate through our webpage, mail us a check, we have most of the cash transfer services if that works better. So, you don't have a lot of extra money, but you love goat milk soap. I don't know if I mentioned it, but we make THE BEST SOAP IN THE WORLD. Order soap from us. That helps, too. If we sell enough soap and other products, we don't need to ask for help to buy a tractor. Maybe you know a philanthropist that loves to help sob story chuckleheads...

If you know someone who you think would like our content, tell them about us. There's power in numbers. We have thousands of followers between the social media platforms, but those algorithms are built to make you spend money for your posts to be seen. Please interact with as many of our posts as you can. Each like or comment increases the chance that others will see our content.

Believe me, these chuckleheads absolutely hate asking for help. We work hard for what we have. We just made a decision when we started this crazy ride that it would be all about the animals. We're sticking with it.

We just appreciate all of you who join us on this crazy journey. We really do have the most amazing friends we've made on this journey. The kindness from all of you really boosts us. We are constantly amazed by it. So, please keep on enjoying our content. We constantly try to improve it for you. The goats love the attention. Just forgive us when we have to make posts like this begging for help. We hate to do it. We just want to take care of goats and continue making the BEST SOAP IN THE WORLD.

All our love,
Farmer Chad and Farmer Jeff and all the goats
7 products
  • Tractor Fund - $5 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $10 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $25 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $50 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $100 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $500 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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  • Tractor Fund - $1000 (Increase quantity to increase amount)
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