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Why all the red?/About Our Logo

Our logo is based on our wonderful goat Holly H. Tilton. The picture used for her likeness was one that Jeff took of her looking out a barn window, and since her beard was hidden in that photo, it was added from another. Farmer Jeff remembers how he met Holly: Back in 2012 I went to a "livestock" (we hate that word) auction. She was in a pen at the auction with a small herd of goats who looked just like her. I was checking them out, and Holly (then #42) jumped up on the fence and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was smitten. I wrote down her number and went out to the auction.
Holly was the sweetest goat ever. She was always this loving. She became the queen of the herd. She gave us lots of beautiful babies and many gallons of milk that made a lot of soap. She became our logo, deservedly.
More than that, she was a dear friend. You may think that sounds silly, but it's definitely true. She loved hugs. She had an uncanny sense when you were feeling down and gave extra love to you. It was impossible to be in a bad mood after spending a few minutes with her.
We don't know how old Holly was when we got her. Whatever age she was, she had a long life for a goat. Holly peacefully passed away on February 5, 2023. Holly was (and is) the whole spirit of Tilton Hollow. It's hard to imagine Tilton Hollow without Holly.
I told her that the day she jumped up on that fence and gave me a kiss was truly one of the best days of my life. 
It feels like we lost a huge piece of our hearts, but in reality, that will be temporary. She left so much with us and touched our lives in ways we never would have imagined. 

If you have a non-human member of your family, give them an extra hug today, and maybe a kiss on the cheek.....for Holly. <3
Farmer Jeff

When Jeff met Holly that day she was wearing a bright red became her signature look. That red collar now hangs on the corner of a picture frame (with a picture of Holly) on our living room wall. 

So when you see our red in our logo, or in any other Tilton Hollow content...remember Holly and her red collar.