Pearl's very excited that so many of you have requested your Goats First, Aambaassador badges (and not just because the badge features her likeness). So now she has come up with a great idea for the Hollowdays!
Pearl's Aambaassador Bundle combines some of Pearl's favorite products, with 2 Aambaassador badges (one for you and one to gift!)
Pearl hopes this Bundle will help recruit more Aambaassador's to spread the word about Goats First (it's for all farm animals really...not just goats.
Enjoy the products and wear (and talk about) your badge, proudly!
Bundle includes:
2 Pearl's Goats First, Aambaassador Badges
4 5 oz Pearl's Bucket (pronounced boo-kay) Bar
4.5 oz Esther's Charcoal Wonder Bar
4.5 oz Holly's Heirloom Bar
12 oz Hand-poured soy, Yule Goat candle and Yule Goat short story
1 oz tin John Tilton's Foot & Hoof Rub
1 oz tin Dolores's Delightful Salve
.15 oz Goo tube lip butter
2 oz tin Breathe, natural mentholated rub